If you or someone you know has had any experience with pneumococcal pneumonia, Pfizer would like to hear from you.

Share your story. Help others.
Your experience with pneumococcal pneumonia can help inspire others to take the next step toward better lung health. Please take a moment to fill out the information below.
If you prefer, you can share your story directly by calling 1-855-415-7462 or e-mailing [email protected]. Any information you provide will be kept in strict confidence according to our Privacy Policy.

JOE MONTANA, over 65
“There are steps you can take to help protect yourself.”

SHERRI SHEPHERD, living with diabetes
“I try to prioritize the things that help keep my health goals in line.”

JILLIAN, living with diabetes
“I got vaccinated to help protect myself. I want to continue to stay active and try new things.”

ZIPPY, over 65
“I’ve worked hard and this is MY time to really enjoy myself!”

THAMARR, Caregiver
“My mom got vaccinated to help protect herself. We are excited to take our trip to Paris.”